Thursday, January 15, 2015

      So my hope was that I would begin my tiny cabin in the woods in the fall of 2014. However, we just didn't have the time, and waiting allowed me to gather a little more money and materials before building time.  Next week we are supposed to have a warm up, and I am going to get out there and take some pictures of the site and batter boards. A few weeks ago I purchased the entire roof, except for the ridge cap, which will be purchased soon. I still have a few minor items to purchase, and I see us getting started on construction in late February or March, when things warm up.
     We also have some small trees to cut, as I am planning on using 4-5" diameter trees in 8' lengths for the upper story floor joists. I think they will give a real cabin feel to the place, not to mention save me a little cash on materials. I am considering painting them with a little varnish just so they can keep their bark on. I love the idea of the rustic look of bark.

     I am really excited about getting this place up! I have worked really hard to make my dream of this little cabin happen. The money invested will be nominal, but it will be sturdy. It is not impossible to build something inexpensively when you are willing to think outside the box. The final square footage of what I am building now will be 192 sq ft. This will be small, but I think for its purpose, it will be just what I need. The floor plan will be easy to add to later.

     My goals for the place are to make it easy to live an off grid life when I am there. I am not afraid of having no electricity. We have power to the property, but I probably will not run it down to my little cabin for a long time, if ever. My goal is to create a place where electricity is unnecessary. Even where I am using propane, I am trying to include alternatives for dependence on those items. I want this cabin to be fully functional no matter what is happening in the world around me.

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